Thursday, June 14, 2007


The plane leaves from Charlotte this evening- hopping to Atlanta, then on to Las Vegas. Staying at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino in downtown Vegas- across the street from the Golden Nugget on Fremont Street.

Just a few thoughts on what I'm expecting in the tournament. They're an odd thing- you could be out in one hand, hang on with a few chips for hours- dying a slow death, or get an incredible run of cards and just start hitting every hand. I'm hoping to play well and stick to some basic strategies and notes that I've made for myself- don't play weak hands out of position, use position to the fullest advantage, don't go all in with top pair (unless I "feel" it's the best hand after five cards are dealt), etc.. I expect to do well. My definition of well may change during the course of the tournament, but we'll see how the cards are dealt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wade, You're going to do great! We are all pulling for you here at the RRPC.